I once read that sexy lingerie is one of the most popular gift given to women for Valentine's Day. So, I thought I would depart from my usual house photos and show you Victorian undergarments. But even if the modern day man would make such a purchase for his beloved, it would have been inconceivable for the Victorian man to do such a thing. Come to think of it, it would be inconceivable for my man to do such a purchase as well, to no fault of his. Having been a garment designer most of my life and having been in charge of my apparel since the age of 13, we have this arrangement that suits us both. If I want something, I buy it and tell him, "This is from you, thank you baby".

These intricate pieces of Victorian under garments are quite beautiful and reproductions are still worn today by period garment enthusiasts, steampunks, fetishists, or those who simply love to wear pretty feminine things. The seamstresses and tailors who offer their Victorian inspired designs and bespoke workmanship are alive and well in these subcultures. I agree, you would probably not want to wear a corset for 12 hours a day, every day, but for a cocktail party or a private tête-à-tête....

So if you haven't found something special for your baby, I recommend Etsy.com. It's a really great shopping site for those who appreciate handmade, unique items of all sorts, made by artist, crafters and designers from around the world. Instead of buying something from a big box store that doesn't really need your encouragement and offers only things mass produced, do consider giving your business to someone who would really appreciate it. You will be amazed at the variety and talent out there.
Happy Valentine's Day!