A welcoming sight upon entering our home is this lovely Grecian lady on the banister post. If you are lucky, the sun will be hitting the front doors and project the windows' etched patterns of hanging baskets onto the wall.
Above, the ceiling is adorned with a beautifully ornate medallion with a fruit theme. Once we are ready to paint this part of the house, we will make it stand out a little more. The stairs have a comfortable angle to them so you are not winded by the time you are upstairs. Surprisingly, they hardly creak. Yes, the carpet on the stairs must go, but it will stay there for as long as we foster dogs - it gives the beasts a sure footing. It's the only place in the house that has carpeting. I love persian rugs, but I love dogs even more so that indulgence will have to wait.
Violet is my high-spirited and passionate little Havanese.
Chaz is my easy-going and sensitive Tibetan Terrier rescue.