The Dusty Victorian's corner corbels |
Moving on to the side porch, good progress was made, uninterrupted by rain.
I'm working on a portion that is as wide as my scaffold.
When we moved in, the old eavestrough was leaking badly, affecting the painted surface, but I'm always amazed how the woodwork is in remarkable shape under that peeling paint. Wood can withstand a lot a abuse. I had to strip a good portion of the old paint off.
Primed and...
painted. The back end corner is completed.
Moving my scaffold to the next post to work on the remaining portion and finish this section.
Primed and…
Voila, the first side section is completed.
The side veranda has three sections measuring on average twelve feet each.

This will end my fretwork for the season. If it hadn't been for the rain, I think I would have been able to finish the veranda, but what can one do.
Anyway, I will resume work next Spring and finish the four remaining sections
(two in the side and two in front). So Summer 2015 is already planned.

The leaves will soon be turning, yellow, orange, red and every shade in between.