Something to say about professionally installed high quality Bradbury and Bradbury wallpaper: "It's bloody hard to remove", says Brian. We estimate that this wallpaper had been applied 15 or 20 years ago, but showed no signs of wear and tear - nor did it start unpeeling at the edges. Darn it!
My new cyber-friend Laura's favourite colour is yellow and I think it would be perfect to brighten up this area, the powder room and the the hallways. I took this yellow from the highlights of the lemons on the wall paper in our dining room and parlour, and it happens to be the same colour of highlights on the pears I painted on my buffet.

All three bedrooms were painted using paint from Home Hardware. I was very pleased with the coverage and the accuracy of the chosen colours. This time, I decided to try out their Natura eco paint. Looking forward to see how it measures up.